Google Twatting

In the same vein as Google whacking - A game that has been around for a few years. The aim is to enter 2 words into google, without " ", and for it to return only 1 result. This is a googlewhack. The rules are they have to be words in and the site cannot be a word list - I now present Google twatting.
Sick and tired of Google's constant bragging?
That is the most all knowing, all powerful oracle ever to have parked itself on mankinds' doorstep offering billions of possibiities at our finger tips.
That it can offer you satellite images from many areas of the planet making military organisations cower.
That it can even now google and index your entire computer.
Clever google.
Or has Google got too big for its boots?
Deflate Google's ego and twat it!
Make him feel stupid for a change like he has done to all of us who have found ourselves sat in front of his search bar, struggling for something to search for and then, as time passes, feeling more and more hopelessly inadequate and stupid at all the information he can theoretically offer us except that we can't even think of one measly thing.
The rules are the same as Google Whack except the aim is to get a result with 0 items found.
Inspired, possiby invented, by my firm, yet supple-bellied comrade, 13twelve . He wanted to go one step furhter and be the actual creator of a googlewhack i.e finding 2 words with 0 hits, then listing it on his site to become a googlewhack. cunning indeed. He enlisted my help and after 15 minutes or so I finally stumbled upon one which I happily donate to him and which I included above.
I intend to create another blog where people can send in images of their Twats.
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